Mitchell Goozé is a speaker and consultant. If you are interested in using him as a consultant,
better information is available on the company website.
If you are interested in considering an inspirational, high energy, high content speaker on top line issues (marketing [including branding and eMarketing], sales,
customer experience, innovation or strategy), this is where you can learn more to help you decide if Mitch is right for your needs.
Mitch was honored to speak at the Commonwealth Club in 2008. You can
listen to the entire speech if you like.
Mitch is a high content speaker based on his 25 years in industry starting as a product engineer and working his was up to
President of four Teledyne high technology product divisions. He is the author or co-author of four books
on marketing/sales. (He also wrote a book on microprocessors a long time ago, but that probably isn't really relevant at this
point.) You can:
Mitch speaks to Autism organizations on parenting high-functioning autistic children, including children with Asperger's
Syndrome, on a pro-bono basis. If your organization is involved with helping research or people with autism and you would
like to talk with Mitch about how he can help by speaking to your audience, pro-bono, please be in touch.
Some of the Industries Mitch Has Spoken To (more than once)
Alternative Health Care
Consumer Products
Financial Services
Food Products
High Technology
Medical Devices
Real Estate